Monday, 12 December 2011


Left - images Marilyn wanted destroyed of herself from the shoot.
Bert Stern, The Last Sitting, 1962
I've always admired Marilyn Monroe's glamour and confidence. She is definitely as much as an icon now as she was in her heyday. For my first project of year 2, we had to pick a celebrity and create something that would prove your point of view...are they a wanker, or a genius? Obviously I would never consider Maz as a wanker. However, I was surprised by some things within my research. I never knew she came from a broken home and was never loved by her Mother. I also didn't realise that she had many miscarriages. I guess I never knew these things because she always looked on top of the world and effortlessly glamorous in all of her photos. That is what inspired my project. I have created a vintage photo album/diary, keeping a personal track of her life in the public eye. One side of the photograph is untouched, whereas on the reverse side the same image is falling apart. As the pages turn each reverse image becomes more distorted until her death. This is the first project where I haven't touched the computer, and I loved every second of it. I wanted this album to represent Marilyn as a genius, because even though she was falling apart inside, she always kept it together for anybody who liked her. 

reversed view
reversed view
reversed view
reversed view
reversed view
reversed view


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